Pluto Finds A Way


Our class learned a lot about space this year and to go with the space theme we made writing that every new paragraph starts with something finds a way. We were inspired by Cindy Jenson-Elliott and her book “Weeds Find A Way.” It was so fun to make them. Here is mine.

Pluto found a way to get demoted, being too small, made of rock and ice, and more.
Pluto found a way to cross Neptune’s orbit, possibly getting pushed into that elliptical orbit which crosses Neptune’s.
Pluto found a way to be freezing, being the farthest demoted planet is hard work. Never being warm must be annoying.
Pluto found a way to have at least 3 moons, Charon is about half the size of Pluto and is Pluto’s biggest moon.
And that is how Pluto found a way.

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